
Randolph T. Major
Lecture Series 2025

(all lectures are open to the public)



12:30 PM
CHEM A-203

"From Supramolecular Polymers to Functional Materials and Systems"

R.T. Major Keynote Speaker
E.W. "Bert" Meijer
Distinguished University Professor in Molecular Sciences & Organic Chemistry
Institute for Complex Molecular Systems of the Eindhoven University of Technology

2:00 PM
CHEM Atrium

Poster Session and Refreshments


6:00 PM
Alumni Center

"Remembering Randolph T. Major"

Reception and Dinner

Banquet Registration Form 



10:00 AM
CHEM A-203

"Chemistry at the Crossroads of Energy and Sustainability" 

R.T. Major Invited Speaker
Dr. Brett A. Helms
Senior Scientist
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

11:30 AM
CHEM A-203

"A Personal Journey Through My Chiral World"

R.T. Major Keynote Speaker
E.W. "Bert" Meijer
Distinguished University of Professor in the Molecular Sciences & Organic Chemistry
Institute for Complex Molecular Systems of the Eindhoven University of Technology